Festive opening in Brandscheid

Festive opening in Brandscheid

The day had finally come on Thursday, 31 August 2023! The long-anticipated opening of our new branch in Brandscheid took place after six months of preparation and a big effort to dot the i’s and cross the t’s in the last two weeks.

And what a great day it was, thanks to the large attendance of customers, business contacts, neighbours, acquaintances and a delegation from John Deere Finland. The mayor of Brandscheid, the shareholders and the board of directors of Hencon Forestry performed the official opening. After the ribbon had been cut, it was time for some good food and drinks, and pleasant and good conversations with those present.We received many great responses that make us hopeful for the future.

In the evening, we stayed and talked for a while with all colleagues and concluded the day together. We are looking forward to starting work in Brandscheid!

Hencon Leveranciers