Coffee with Jurgen

Coffee with Jurgen

At Hencon, we like to have a cup of coffee together. In ‘Coffee with…’, we talk to a different colleague each time. This time it is Jurgen Luttikholt’s turn. Jurgen is product specialist John Deere Forestry and has been working in the forestry sector since 1998.

What exactly does product specialist John Deere Forestry entail?
‘It means that in addition to your general technical training, you are specifically trained by John Deere in all aspects of John Deere forestry equipment. This is an ongoing process, I attend online training courses from John Deere but also on site.’ Jurgen laughs. ‘You have to love travelling in my field, a while ago I went to Finland for training in the new John Deere H-series and I am also often with customers in Germany and Luxembourg.’

You have been working in forestry machinery for more than 25 years. Has much changed?
Jurgen thinks for a moment. ‘The machines are getting more and more complicated. There is much more technology in the machines than before, especially in control technology. As a service technician or product specialist, you need to have knowledge of many things, such as electronics, hydraulics, but also engines and today’s exhaust systems. Moreover, nowadays you have to deal more and more with software. You can read the software remotely, and where necessary you can adjust the settings remotely.’

Do you still have enough challenge in your work?
‘As long as there are breakdowns, I have plenty of challenge! It makes you look weird, but I still face breakdowns that cost me some headaches. It’s different every time and that means I have to analyse a breakdown thoroughly before I can solve it.’

You have plenty of challenge. What else makes working at Hencon worthwhile?
Jurgen laughs. ‘My job is very varied because I work both on location and in our own workshop. Tomorrow I will be in the Aachen area to solve an electronic fault. I really enjoy this variety and freedom. We have long-term customer relationships and because I know the customers and operators well, I know how to work. That is very pleasant. I want to be able to get to the bottom of the problem and ultimately solve it. I see my work as a continuous process of learning and gaining experience.’

How do you see your future at Hencon?
‘I will continue nicely as I am doing now. We have a close-knit team and you know exactly what to expect from each other. I really like that. Furthermore, Hencon Forestry is a flexible employer and there are short lines of communication. If something is going on at home, for example, you are given every freedom to be there for your family for as long as necessary. I find this personal commitment valuable.’

Finally, how is the coffee?
‘Fine! Cappuccino with sugar.’

Hencon Leveranciers