Coffee with Iris

Coffee with Iris

At Hencon, we like to have a cup of coffee together. In ‘Coffee with’, we talk to a different colleague each time. This time it’s Iris Hengeveld-Busscher’s turn. She has been working at Hencon Forestry for a year now, with a lot of pleasure.

What exactly do you do at Hencon?
‘Last year I started working at Hencon as a financial administrative assistant. My work is varied and I really enjoy that. I do accounts receivable and accounts payable, prepare payments, prepare invoices and process purchase invoices.’

What makes working at Hencon fun for you?
‘I have worked at different companies and sectors and moved to the Dutch region Achterhoek for love. At Hencon, I feel completely at home. I just really like the job content because I have a varied range of tasks that do follow a structure. I know roughly what my working day looks like but there are always some deviations. Furthermore, I notice that initiative is appreciated and I get to arrange certain things myself.’

Can you name an example?
Iris laughs. ‘If it was a colleague’s birthday, you found out the moment he was going to treat. I thought it should be different and bought garlands. Now when someone has a birthday, there are garlands at his workplace. Kind of festive, right?’

You work in a man’s world. What is that like for you?
‘In the beginning it was a bit of a test, especially because I am the only female employee. But soon I noticed that it makes no difference at all. The atmosphere is just really good: approachable and friendly. You can walk in anywhere and in the breaks there is room for personal conversations.’

How do you see your future at Hencon?
‘I see the future positively because I know that as an employee you get every opportunity to develop. I have already had the opportunity to take a training course at Hencon and I would possibly like to take a follow-up step in time to gain some more substantive knowledge.’

Finally, what is the coffee like?
‘No idea! I don’t drink coffee. Fortunately, there is something tasty for everyone: hot chocolate, tea or soup. And sometimes chips are fried because we have a deep fryer.’

Hencon Leveranciers